If you are looking to rent an office or looking at self storage quotes to rent a unit in the Rochdale or Manchester area, please be aware of any extra hidden costs that you could incur if you go ahead with the contract that were not in your original quotation.
For example if you obtain a quotation for a self storage unit which you feel is very good value for money, before you enter into any agreement with the storage provider check for any additional weekly charges such as insurance, VAT or handling. Your original quotation may not be as reasonable as you think once all other potential costs have been brought to your attention. You should also ascertain what notice period you need to give to end the agreement. Simply turning up and hoping to empty your unit may not be enough, the provider may expect you to give them two/four weeks notice, which means you may have to pay for an additional four weeks storage at the full rate due to the notice clause in your contract.
The same applies with an office lease. Before you go ahead with any agreement you should check what deposits and upfront payments the landlord may require, how much are the service charges on top of the office rent ? Are there additional utility charges that you will have to pay and is it metered? Ask if you need to give a specific period of notice to stop your contract rolling forward.
The good news is that here at Simple Storage there are no hidden extra costs. Say for instance a storage unit becomes available at £6 per week (gross) and a new customer is looking to rent it. In simple terms the customer would pay £6 per week for the duration of the hire period (say three weeks) which totals £18 and that is all they would pay. We do not charge insurance or handling, it's as simple as that!
Moving on to our serviced offices, if a new customer comes in and agrees to rent one of our offices, then all they would pay for that office is the rental fee and this price would include rent, water rates, electricity, heating, security, on-site parking, plus the use of our broadband and canteen facilities for the duration of their office lease. All we would ask is that a lease is signed for a minimum of three months and a deposit equivalent of one months rental paid. The office rent would then be billed monthly in advance - again, it's as simple as that. As a courtesy we would request that if at the end of the lease term the client was not looking to renew, to simply make us aware of this.
All we would add is please be aware that if you are looking to take out a self storage unit or an office in the Rochdale and Manchester area please check what other costs you could be liable for before you enter into any contract.